On a Friday in 1987 I was approached by a senior member of the firm I was working with in New York City and was asked what a “perfect” professional was.  I quickly started to reply when it dawned on me that I had never really thought about how to “think about” the makeup of a professional.  After my hesitation I said, “let me get back to on Monday.”

Over the weekend I came up with five dimensions that I evaluate ALL professionals on.  Whether it is for an Executive, Manager, or Consulting positions I’ve used the worksheet attached as the basis for EVERY interviews.

Whenever I receive a Resume and am to interview someone I staple one of the worksheets identified in the presentation to the front.  I then take all my notes on this worksheet as I’m interviewing folks.  Every comment is prefaced by:

  • “+” – a positive comment
  • “-” – a negative comment
  • “o” – a neutral comment
  • “c” – general comment
  • “>” – an action item for me
  • “<” – an action item from the other person

Yes, I know, t’is anal.  However, what do you expect from a recovering Engineer?

All I can say is it works and it might prove of value to you.

Stickman Hiring Presentation