Computer System
Managed market definition and product concept of new high-end fault-tolerant computer system. Effort made extensive use of focused market research techniques and Quality Function Deployment with a multi-functional team to determine design parameters for a next generation platform. Assignment developed Client team to conduct market analysis and Customer field interviews while determining future product requirements. This effort resulted in new product with mid 1996 introduction date.
Consumer Goods
Assessed electronic product introduction strategy for major consumer good manufacturer attempting to revitalize silver-halide photography market. Product designs, facility missions, and operating policies were reviewed and improvement recommendations developed. Assignment focus was on “speed to market” concepts using Design for Manufacturability techniques. New product design ideas reduced both start-up capital requirements and long-term unit costs. Restructured this multi-billion dollar effort as a result of findings indicating poor Customer requirements compliance.
Computer System
Developed product strategy for a manufacturer of high-end fault-tolerant computer systems. Assignment focused at extrapolating computing trends — such as “cluster systems”, increasing reliability of “high availability” computers, emerging role of software in total system availability, and distributed processing trend — to develop a long-range product strategy. Survey of both Customers and nonCustomers was conducted to determine buying trends and business process technology requirements. Using a QFD-based product definition process (developed under a previous assignment) new product line strategy was developed.
Consumer Goods
Managed product development reengineering for a leading manufacturer of thermo-form packaging materials and equipment. As a continuing phase of an overall program to reduce total company cycle time, this assignment worked with engineering and Customer service organizations to profile their current business processes and identify cycle time reduction opportunities. Improvement opportunities included the benchmarking and analysis of leading CAD/CAM software providers to create a new solids-based modeling and manufacturing capability within engineering.
Control Systems
Developed world-wide electronic document strategy for “multi-domestic” process control systems manufacturer. In response to increasing Customer pressure on improved documentation Quality, assignment benchmarked product, process, and technology characteristics of leading documentation firms both within and external to Client’s marketplace. A documentation strategy and implementation plan was then developed which will drive common documentation development across three countries.